Scheduled for establishment in the year 2024

캐나다 온타리오 국제학교 이사장의 인사말

Concordia Ontario Academy is a school that crosses borders, brings the world together, and discovers the potential of diverse talents through its outstanding faculty. We pursue innovative, talent-centered education to express and showcase the true value of talented people anywhere in the world.

Chair, Board of Directors 
Doctor of Law (Ph.D), MBA, BA 
Concordia Ontario Academy 

캐나다 온타리오 국제학교 교장의 인사말

Concordia offers a full range of online and in-person programs and provides a stimulating curriculum taught by highly qualified and experienced professional educators who will work tirelessly to help each and every one of our students to succeed.

Lou Vescio – Principal
B.A.(Hons.), B.Ed, M.Ed (Educational Administration), OCT, OPC


해외 유수 대학교에 입학 및 졸업한 사례

Ontario News

캐나다, 필피핀 학교 현지 학교 소식


학생들이 직접 작성한 뉴스기사


The Psychology of Addiction

What defines addiction psychologically? Understanding addiction from a psychological standpoint reveals the intricate dynamics at play. Addiction is characterized by compulsive engagement in a behavior despite adverse consequences. It transcends mere habituation, delving into a realm where the p...

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Differences between Psychopatahs and Sociopaths

What is psychopathy? Psychopathy, often conflated with sociopathy, is a complex personality disorder characterized by a distinct set of traits and behaviors. Though not officially recognized in diagnostic manuals, the terms "psychopath" and "sociopath" are colloquially used to describe individua...

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Smartphone Use and Child Development

When deciding on supplying smartphones to children, evaluating their impact involves considering not just children's usage but also parental behavior around smartphones. Research suggests parental smartphone use can affect children's development, from social skills to emotional regulation. Excessiv...

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Smartphones, distraction, and concentration issues

Due to their widespread use, cellphones have completely changed how we live our everyday lives, influencing communication, work, and play. However, their continual presence makes it difficult for us to focus. Research suggests that the simple presence of cellphones might impair cognitive functions ...

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Does multitasking lower our IQ?

Multitasking harms our brains and performance. Engaging in multitasking poses detrimental effects on both brain function and task performance, as evidenced by numerous studies conducted at esteemed institutions such as Stanford University and York University. Stanford's research highlights the a...

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Could brown noise revolutionize education?

Brown noise, characterized by lower tones akin to thunder or wind, has garnered attention for its potential benefits, particularly for individuals with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Unlike white noise, which covers all audible pitches like static or a fan's hum, brown noise is pe...

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Canada Ontario School Grand Open in 2024!

We are proud to announce
we will be opening a new
building in Gangnam!